OSU MedNet21 offers ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) points (beginning with 2016 – 2017 season) in addition to
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM
In a special MedNet21 webcast the Medical Editor and Moderator, Dr. Jim Allen, offered the reasoning for why OSU Center for Continuing Medical Education is offering ABIM MOC points starting the 2016 – 2017 season. The following are excerpts from that webcast:
Hello. I’m Jim Allen your host and moderator for OSU MedNet21, bringing you webcast medical education for the 21st century. This is now our 55th consecutive year of MedNet and its predecessor program, OMEN, the Ohio Medical Education Network. Medicine has changed a lot and medical education has also changed with it. When state medical boards required continuing medical education credits for physicians to renew their medical licenses, we were there to make sure that you could get those credits through our programming.
The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education or ACCME® and the American Board of Internal Medicine are collaborating to provide maintenance of certification points for certain CME activities. This way, physicians can get their MOC points at the same time that they are getting their CME credits. Over the past year, we’ve been working on creating a process to allow MedNet to be approved for MOC points and I’m pleased to announce that you are able to get both CME credits and American Board of Internal Medicine MOC points from our MedNet programs. We are also working with other specialty boards to get MedNet approved for specialties other than internal medicine in the future.
So, to get the maintenance of certification point for a MedNet webcast, you will need to take a short pre-test before you watch the program to determine what you knew about each webcast’s topic and then repeat that test after the webcast to show what you learned by viewing the webcast.
Now, if you do not need ABIM maintenance of certification points and just want CME credit, then you only have to pass the post-test to receive credit.
For additional questions, please contact Leisl Ashbaugh at (614) 293-3576 or leisl.ashbaugh@osumc.edu