2023 Ohio State Sports Medicine Summit

April 21st, 2023

This conference has already taken place.

Ohio Stadium - Columbus, OH
1 Day Conference April 21st, 2023
6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit Hours


Over the last two decades sports team and athletic event medical coverage has evolved dramatically. The traditional idea of a local doctor showing up on a Friday night to be available to assist with injuries during a high school football game is no longer an acceptable or practical method of providing medical care to athletes. Medicolegal liability concerns as well as the need to provide care with the most up to date and evidence based strategies has made it crucial for Sports Medicine providers to be more prepared and demonstrate critical skills to preserve athletes' lives and limbs. The treatment of athletes requires an understanding of the spectrum of skills from pre-game preparations to emergency on-field and sideline care, post-game triage, non-operative care, and surgical skills. The 2023 Ohio State Sports Medicine Summit seeks to address gaps in knowledge, skills, and performance by Sports Medicine providers with regard to addressing sideline and on-field emergencies, intra-operative surgical challenges, and performance of techniques to address acute and chronic injuries and conditions encountered in elite athletes.

Accreditation: Physical Therapists / Athletic Trainers6.5 hours BOC and OPTA credit (pending)

Dates and Times

Start: 4/21/2023 7:55 AM
End: 4/21/2023 3:30 PM


1. At the completion of this course, the participants will understand the standards of care and preparation for sideline medical coverage for athletic events.
2. At the completion of this course, the participants will understand the hub of the wheel concept for coordinating the medical care of an athletic team or university athletic department.
3. At the completion of this course, the participants will understand how to avoid the common pitfalls of interactions with athletes, athletic trainers, coaches, parents, and agents.
4. At the completion of this course, the participants will understand the team physician's role in balancing an athlete’s short-term and long-term health with team and personal goals.
5. At the conclusion of this course, participants will understand the intra-operative options available for addressing unexpected surgical challenges in the shoulder, elbow, knee, hip, and ankle.
6. At the conclusion of this course, participants will understand the minimally invasive and orthobiologic options for treatment of in-season athletes for their acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries and conditions.
7. At the completion of this course, participants will understand the surgical and non-surgical rehabilitation continuum for femoral acetabular impingement, patellar instability, and shoulder labral injuries
8. At the completion of this course, participants will have exposure and understanding of the application of blood flow restriction training and dry needling for the upper and lower extremities.


Course Agenda/ Topics:
7:55 am – 8:00 am Welcome – Bryant Walrod, MD

8:00 am – 8:20am The “Team” behind the team - Bryant Walrod MD, Shaun Barnhouse, ATC, Adam Stewart, PT, ATC
a. Coordination of care across the spectrum of medical providers
b. The physician- athletic trainer relationship
8:20am - 8:40am Athletic Event Medical Coverage Planning – Kendra McCamey, MD and Katie Walker, ATC
Preparation for Game Day
a. Game Day Medical Equipment?
b. Who’s your back up? Who makes up the team?
c. Where is the medical team stationed?
d. What’s in the EAP?
e. Covering both sidelines: The Pre-game medical time-out

8:40 am – 9:20am Game Time
8:40 am – 9:00 am On-Field Medical Emergencies: cardiovascular/neurologic: Larry Nolan, DO
Head injury/concussion: on field considerations: make the call
Coach/referee medical condition
9: 00am – 9:20 am On-Field Orthopaedic Emergencies: dislocations, fractures: Tim Miller, MD
LE Dislocation
UE dislocation
9:20 am 9:30 am Audience Questions/Panel Questions

9:30am – 9:45am Break

9:45am – 10:15 am Live demonstration of helmet removal and spine boarding: Steve Albrechta, MD, Seth Faulker, ATC, Alex Garnaut, PT
Unconscious/ Suspected C-spine Injury Demonstration/ Airway management
Spine boarding, face mask, shoulder pad, and helmet removal (football, lacrosse and hockey helmets)

10:15am – 10:45 am Post-Game/ Training Room (Ryan Rauck, MD, Tyler Deam, ATC)
a. Locker room surprises (Unreported injuries)
b. Post-game injury workup
c. Post-Injury Follow-up Planning
d. Debriefing with trainers and medical team
e. Interacting with the stakeholders (injured athlete, parents, coaches, agents, and media)

10:45am – 11:00 am Panel Questions

11:00am – 11:20 am Grab Lunch

11:20am – 12:00 pm: Enjoy lunch: Key Note Speaker Presentation: Evolving Responsibilities of the NFL Team Physician: Then and Now, Scott Rodeo, M.D.

Concurrent Sessions: 12:15pm – 3:00 pm
(Live Webcast to Lecture Hall from Jameson Crane 3rd Floor Surgical Skills Lab to Ohio Stadium)
Session 2A (Non-Operative)
I. Minimally Invasive Procedures for tendinopathies:
a. ECSWT: Mike Jonesco, DO
b. Tenex: Bryant Walrod, MD
c. Tendon scraping: Mike Baria, MD
II. Issues Affecting Endurance Athletes- Compartment testing: Bryant Walrod, M.D.,
III. Runner’s Performance Clinic overview: Bryant Walrod, M.D. Melissa Gallatin, PT, Brad Thornberg

Session 2B (Surgical) "Help! I've wrecked this case. Get me out of this jam!"
(Live Webcast to Lecture Hall from Jameson Crane 3rd Floor Surgical Skills Lab to Ohio Stadium)
Discussion panel present in Ohio Stadium lecture hall.
Moderator: Scott Rodeo, MD
In-lab presenters: Ryan Rauck, MD and Tim Miller, MD. Additional specialty team faculty to present as well.
All sports medicine surgical faculty to participate in discussion panel on-site at Ohio Stadium Varsity O Room.
I. Shoulder Surgical Case
II. Elbow Surgical Case
III. Knee Surgical Case
IV. Ankle Surgical Case
V. Leg Surgical Case
Patient selection- discussion of process.

Session 2C: (Rehabilitation)
Session Moderator: Caroline Brunst, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, AT
I. “To Scope or Not to Scope: That is the Question – Treatment Strategies for FAI”
a. Non-op: Sarah Depp, PT, DPT, OCS
b. Op: Stephanie Di Stasi, PT, PhD

II. · “Labral Pathology – Rehab Considerations Across the Spectrum of Care”
a. Non-op: Dan Deleandro, PT, DPT, CSCS
b. Op: Greg Hock, PT, DPT, OCS

III. “Patellar Instability – When Do We Intervene?”
a. Non-op: Kat Rethman, PT, DPT, SCS
b. Op: Evan Luse, PT, DPT

IV. Lab: Blood Flow Restriction Training and Dry Needling: Caroline Brunst, PT, DPT, SCS, OCS, AT

3:00 pm – 3: 20 pm Q and A/panel discussion
3:20 pm – 3:30 pm Closing remarks and course evaluations: Tim Miller, MD


Tier Price
Physicians $199.00
PAs $149.00
PT/ AT $99.00

Conference Files

File Link

Sports Medicine Summit 2023 Course Information


Sports Medicine Summit Agenda



Ohio Stadium
411 Woody Hayes Dr,
Huntington Club Level Rooms 1 and 2 and the Varsity O room
Columbus, OH 43210

Accreditation Statement

The Ohio State University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME®) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

AMA Credit Designation Statement

The Ohio State University designates this live activity for a maximum of 6.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) . Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


Dr. Timothy Miller, Dr. Bryant Walrod, Dr. Kendra McCamey, Dr. Larry Nolan, Dr. Steven Albrechta, Mr. Alex Garnaut, Mr. Tyler Deam, Mr. Ryan Rauck, Dr. Michael Jonesco, Dr. Michael Baria, Mrs. Melissa Gallatin, Dr. Stephanie Di Stasi, Mr. Dan Deleandro, Mr. Greg Hock, Ms. Kat Rethman, Mr. Evan Luse, Mr. Shaun Barnhouse, Mr. Adam Stewart, Ms. Katie Walker, Dr. Scott Rodeo, Dr. Caroline Brunst , Mrs. Sarah Depp, Ms. Kacie Vavrek, Dr. John Ryan, the faculty, the planners, the reviewers, and the CME provider have no relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest (defined as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients), that relates to the content that will be discussed in the educational activity.

Need help with this conference?

Please contact the conference coordinator listed below:

Tim Miller
Email: timothy.miller@osumc.edu